PSportable Hacks Up And Running

PSportable Hacks Up And Running

PSportable Hacks Up and Running

May 25 2011 : PSportable Hacks is Up and Running, Featuring Hacking Tips For Noobs Tutorials And More

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome ALL PSP Users To PSportable Hacks – A Hacking Blog For Newbies

                Hi guys this is my first post so don’t be surprised when you see spelling and grammar mistakes here and there. Let me introduce myself to you. I am an elite hacker of PSportable blog. I’m sorry we do not have a website (Unfortunately I’m not that all money). So our PSportable team currently comprise of two me and my little brother and my PSP 3004 (Slim and Lite). We are not programmers but we as a team can do some serious hacking. I just started hacking months ago when I was busy preparing for my exams. I felt bored and turned on my PSP 3004 put my friend’s FIFA 2006 UMD, played ManU vs. Arsenal over and over again until I felt bored and ashamed of borrowing the UMD and Wondered if I can actually hack my PSP.

                          I googled PSP HACKS   and found several websites and CFW’s and HENS’s but I did not understand any one of them or how to use them on my PSP. So I searched on YouTube, It came with some promising Hacks. But I Saw some Bad Comments as well like, what’s this b***h thanks to you my PSP is f***ed   up, Comments like that. So I look a leap of faith and tried one video claiming to downgrade my PSP with firmware 6.31 to 6.20 so that I can run CFW (Custom Firmware) on my PSP to Download and play games on my PSP.I downgraded my PSP to see a blue screen and I was shocked but after some time I saw my PSP downgraded to 6.20 and then I installed the TN HEN, a Homebrew Enabler to Enable Homebrew Stuff, Which was pretty Easy. Then after that I started Researching and then I have a PSP currently running 6.20 PRO B-5 playing many Great Games and Still Experimenting on my PSP. Then I thought why I can’t experiment for Newbies, desperately needing help on how to hack their PSP.

                              PLEASE promote our blog so that I can help others too. Stay Tuned For MORE. If you need any help on PSP HACKS or Suggestions email me at or and please do COMMENT. Also I’m happy to and Proud to say that this blog can also be utilized by PSP users all round the world. Again I ask you all to promote this Website any Suggestions or help PLEASE email me. I will be waiting for your emails. In the next post I will show you the basics of PSportable HACKING.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks bro i am a newbie and needed this type of blog only but please post some more posts ! thanks
