PSportable Hacks Up And Running

PSportable Hacks Up And Running

PSportable Hacks Up and Running

May 25 2011 : PSportable Hacks is Up and Running, Featuring Hacking Tips For Noobs Tutorials And More

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Monday, June 13, 2011


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hack your PSP Now

Basics of PSP hacking
 Something about OFW

Okay here we go the first official guide to hack your PSP. First of all let’s start with the basics. Okay, we all know that our PSP has an Official Firmware (OFW). The newest Firmware till date is 6.39. Let me tell you why we don’t like our OFW’s. The answer is that even though our OFW’s can play all games without fault, it cannot play games downloaded to our Memory stick via Torrents and we cannot fully experiment with our themes like make it similar to Xbox themes or so.
 Tada! CFW (Custom Firmware) to the rescue
Where there is darkness, there is light. Where there is an OFW there is CFW. Enter our hero: CFW. What is CFW? It’s something which enables our PSP to reach its full Potential. Yes it finishes the OFW with a sharp shooter and makes your OFW wanna tap (in this case, prompts your OFW to load   downloaded games and to run Custom XMB themes on your PSP, Read EBooks, Play media files other than Mp4, boost its audio and brightness than normal, Play some games in 3D and much more. You can also try HEN’s (Homebrew enablers) to do this too though I Strongly recommend CFW’s if you just want to play games.
Something which CFW’s cannot do

One CFW cannot take down number of OFW’s. It’s like playing a handicap match. CFW for 6.20 is only meant for PSP’s with OFW 6.20. But we have ways to enable CFW’s on OFW’s. If you have any OFW less than 6.20 update your PSP to 6.20 because as far as HEN or CFW is concerned the best is on 6.20. For those who have updated your PSP to more than 6.20 do not worry. We have the 6.3x to 6.20 downgrader. This makes your OFW 6.20. Please don’t try this downgrader until I have tested it on my PSP 3000 for all others using 1000, 2000, PSP Go don’t worry because the PSP 3000 motherboard is the most secure one, If you can hack the PSP 3000 you can hack it all.
For those who have 6.20 OFW
Try 6.20 PRO B5 permanent CFW (Recommended)
6.20 TN HEN E

How to install CFW’s

For PRO B5
Extract and Copy the Contents to Game Folder of PSP.
* Launch the PRO B5 Update then Press X.
*Go to Settings-System Settings- System Information
4.        if you see number less than or equal to 05g on Mac Address
5.       You Can Install the Permanent Patch by Launching it and then press X and then O
*Others will have to activate PRO B5 every Time by Starting Fast Recovery every time PSP Shuts Down
* Done. Never delete vshorig.prx file on your memory stick. Keep a copy of it to be on the safe side.  To Play Games create a folder named ISO in your Memory Stick and put all the .iso/.cso game files in it. The games can be accessed at the GAME- Memory Stick.
* To uninstall launch Permanent patch, Then Press X (make sure vshorig.prx is present on your memory stick). 

      For TN HEN E
*Extract and Copy the Contents to Game Folder of PSP.
Launch the TN HEN Homebrew Enabler.
Done. To Play Games Download Prometheus ISO loader, Paste it on Game Folder create a folder named ISO in your Memory Stick and put all the .iso/.cso game files in it
The game can be accessed by starting Prometheus ISO loader; Select the desired game file then start it.
TN HEN E                                             

Hope you all liked my post PLEASE COMMENT and PROMOTE our BLOG so that others can make use of it as well. All Hacks are personally tested by me on my PSP 3004. Stay tuned for more Hacks only on PSportable Hacks. Email me at or

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome ALL PSP Users To PSportable Hacks – A Hacking Blog For Newbies

                Hi guys this is my first post so don’t be surprised when you see spelling and grammar mistakes here and there. Let me introduce myself to you. I am an elite hacker of PSportable blog. I’m sorry we do not have a website (Unfortunately I’m not that all money). So our PSportable team currently comprise of two me and my little brother and my PSP 3004 (Slim and Lite). We are not programmers but we as a team can do some serious hacking. I just started hacking months ago when I was busy preparing for my exams. I felt bored and turned on my PSP 3004 put my friend’s FIFA 2006 UMD, played ManU vs. Arsenal over and over again until I felt bored and ashamed of borrowing the UMD and Wondered if I can actually hack my PSP.

                          I googled PSP HACKS   and found several websites and CFW’s and HENS’s but I did not understand any one of them or how to use them on my PSP. So I searched on YouTube, It came with some promising Hacks. But I Saw some Bad Comments as well like, what’s this b***h thanks to you my PSP is f***ed   up, Comments like that. So I look a leap of faith and tried one video claiming to downgrade my PSP with firmware 6.31 to 6.20 so that I can run CFW (Custom Firmware) on my PSP to Download and play games on my PSP.I downgraded my PSP to see a blue screen and I was shocked but after some time I saw my PSP downgraded to 6.20 and then I installed the TN HEN, a Homebrew Enabler to Enable Homebrew Stuff, Which was pretty Easy. Then after that I started Researching and then I have a PSP currently running 6.20 PRO B-5 playing many Great Games and Still Experimenting on my PSP. Then I thought why I can’t experiment for Newbies, desperately needing help on how to hack their PSP.

                              PLEASE promote our blog so that I can help others too. Stay Tuned For MORE. If you need any help on PSP HACKS or Suggestions email me at or and please do COMMENT. Also I’m happy to and Proud to say that this blog can also be utilized by PSP users all round the world. Again I ask you all to promote this Website any Suggestions or help PLEASE email me. I will be waiting for your emails. In the next post I will show you the basics of PSportable HACKING.